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In 1884, the Keneseth Eliyahoo Synagogue was constructed on a premium piece of land in the hub of Bombay’s Fort, by a Jewish businessman and philanthropist, Sir Jacob Sassoon, grandson of David Sassoon (founder of the Sassoon dynasty), to commemorate his father, Eliyahoo Sassoon. The commemorative plaque installed at the entrance of the Synagogue’s hall mentions, “Keneseth Eliyahoo, This is the gate of the Lord into which the righteous shall enter. And, this stone is set as a monument to bear a sign that this house of prayer was erected by Jacob Elias David Sassoon And His Brothers in memory of their late father Elias…”

The Synagogue building was planned and designed by architect David E. Gostling, in an eclectic manner of styles, with a strong influence of the Renaissance Style. The interior is divided into three floors. At the bottom floor is an Assembly Hall and the Mikve (ritual bath); the Men's Section on the middle floor houses the Hechal (Holy Ark, where the Torah Scrolls are kept) signifying the direction of prayer towards Jerusalem and the Tevah or Bima (where the Torah is read), located at the center of the hall; The top floor is the Women's Gallery. Stunning stained-glass windows, decorate the windows above the Hechal.

The Synagogue underwent extensive renovations in 2018 and was reopened to the public one-year later, on February 7th, 2009.


55, Dr. V.B. Gandhi Marg, Fort,

Mumbai, Maharashtra




Friday: Closed

Saturday: Closed

Sunday: 10am–5pm

Monday: 9am–5pm

Tuesday: 10:30am–5:30pm

Wednesday: 10:30am–5:30pm

Thursday: 10:30am–5:30pm


* For security reasons, Please coordinate your visit in advance.

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